everything changes
There are only a few weeks before I start the last year of my twenties. As I’m reflecting on the past year & my twenties as a whole, I keep coming back around to a single quote.
At first glance, it feels repetitive and blah. But when you really think about its meaning, it gives you a whole new perspective. Or at least it did for me. I’ve recently caught myself slipping back into old patterns & habits. But I refuse to let them consume my everyday life again.
It supposedly takes 21 days to build a habit & funny enough, there’s exactly 21 days until my 29th birthday. What perfect timing! I will be dedicating the next 3 weeks to making all the changes to my lifestyle & putting myself on track to be thriving by thirty. My hope is to feel the best that I’ve ever felt in many areas of my life.
Some goals I have:
✿ daily movement, whether it’s stretching, 10k steps, lifting, etc
✿ paying down debt & saving as much as possible
✿ a hobby a day, even if it’s just for 30 minutes
Earlier this fall, I proved it to myself that I feel my best when I’m getting some kind of daily movement in. My mental health was incredible & my body just felt good more often than not, especially after recovering from severely low blood levels with iron infusions.
A bad relationship in my early twenties left me in a pretty rough financial position with credit card debt so I’ve been slowly chipping at it away over the past several years. But I’ve started really focusing on it hard over the last year or so. It was actually a big part of the reason I moved home with family a year & a half ago. But my big goal is to get myself back on track & also save as much as possible so I can eventually get back out on my own, hopefully sooner than later.
This year, I’ve started trying to actually do the hobbies that I love so much. TikTok made me start collecting for a junk journal in August & I’ve been having a blast doing it. So much that I now have 3 separate journals for it… oops. The first is my true junk journal with tons of labels from all the packaging of things that I use routinely. The second was an old reading journal from 2022 that I’m repurposing into a bookish junk journal with life scraps from all the book signings I’ve been to over the last couple years. And lastly, the one I’ve started most recently for my travels & just more of a scrapbook kind of vibe. I’m obviously continuing to read everyday but I’m also leaning into more of my crafty hobbies like the junk journaling, crafting with my Cricut, and painting (soon!). I’m also determined to get back into enjoying the process of content creation & sharing more about my other hobbies, not just reading.
I promise not all thriving by thirty posts will be as me centered as this one seems, but I wanted to give a little introduction to me & my mindset, along with my reasoning behind curating this little community. So please leave me a lil note letting me know what you liked or want to see more of going forward.
We’ll chat soon ♡